The West Perry School District recognizes that many children are able to attend school because of the effective use of medication in the treatment of illness and disability. Some medication regimens necessitate the administration of medication during school hours. Safe and effective administration of medication requires adherence to a school policy and state regulations.
The administration of medication to a student during school hours in accordance with the direction of a licensed prescriber will be permitted only when failure to take such medicine would jeopardize the health of the student ot the student would not be able to attend school if the medicine were not available during school hours.
The use of medication is outlined in West Perry Board Policy 210, as well as the Medication Policy Overview.
Prescription and Over the Counter Medication form: Medicines prescribed by a physician, dentist, or other individual authorized and licensed by law to prescribe. Before any medication is dispensed in school the medication form must be completed and signed by both the parent and prescribing/authorized individual. This form can be accessed on the district website - Parents - Parent Resources - Parent Documents - Health Forms
Standing Order Form: Medicines prescribed by the school physician that may be administered upon the signed consent of parents. Includes acetaminophen, ibuprofen, tums, cough drops and anti-itch topical creams/lotions. Acetaminophen, ibuprofen and anti-itch medications must be provided by the parent.
Self Administration of Emergency Medications including Inhalers, Epipens and Insulin: All emergency medications will be kept in the health room unless students have written permission from their physician and their parent/guardian to carry their emergency medication. Students with permission may carry their medication, but must check in with the nurse after each use or as specified on a student's individual health care plan.
Field Trips: Communication and coordination should take place between the parent/guardian and the school nurse at least 1 week prior to the trip. Medication needed on the trip will be documented on the Field trip consent form by the parent. 1. The parent/guardian accompanying their child on the field trip may administer the medication. 2. Medication may be given prior to or immediately after the field trip with permission from the prescribing physician. 3. If neither previous option is acceptable, the parent/guardian will be responsible to package and label the needed dose for that day. A single dose in a sealed envelope will be carried by a teacher until time for the medication to be taken.