MS Girls Basketball Info
There are two teams at the middle school. The middle school varsity team will be coached by Coach Daneker and the middle school junior varsity team will be coached by Coach Henry.
Open gym schedule Fall 2024:
Open gyms are not mandatory practices. However, it will give the girls a chance to practice the skills they will be evaluated on during try-outs. Open gyms will be held at the Middle School gym. Please dress appropriately.
Open Gym Schedule:
November 5th 2:45-5:00 November 7th 2:45-5:00
November 13th 2:45-5:00 November 14th 2:45-5:00
Additionally, for current 8th graders who were on the team last year, there will be shooting practices at the High School scheduled from 5:30pm-7:00pm on these dates: 10/6 10/13 10/20 10/27
Try-Out Schedule:
November 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, and 22nd 5:00pm-7:00pm
Players will be evaluated during these practices. At the end practice on November 22nd, players will be given a letter that will let them know if they have made the team. Those players that made the team will be expected to be at practice on November 25th at 5:00pm-7:00pm
However, playing time must be earned throughout the season. Players are not guaranteed playing time just because they have made the team.
Practice and Game Schedule:
Players that make the team are required to be at practice. All practices are mandatory unless excused by the coach prior to practice. Practices will be held after school from 2:50pm-5:00pm or from 5:00pm-7:00pm.
Note- there will be practices over Thanksgiving and Christmas break. Please carefully look over the schedule your daughter will get from her coaches.
Parents will need to provide transportation for players for the evening practices. If you make the team, please make sure you can keep your commitment to the coaches and your teammates.
The practice and game schedule will be posted on the West Perry Middle School Girls Basketball Webpage. The link for the webpage is below:
Required Paperwork for Try-Outs:
Parents MUST sign in to their Parent Powerschool account, select "Forms" on the left hand side, and then complete: WPSD Athletic Participation & Code of Conduct form.
All players must have a physical prior to try-outs on Monday, November 18th. Students must have completed the physical packet and have it on file prior to attending try-outs. Physicals are not necessary for participation in open gym dates prior to try-outs. Physical forms and recertification forms may be picked up in the MS office or in Coach Henry’s room 121.
Physical night is November 7 and will be at the High School. Cost is $10. Please bring Section 6 of the CIPPE form to be filled out. Please use this link to sign up:
As always, athletes are welcome to get physicals elsewhere and give them to the coaching staff at open gym. All physicals must be completed and signed by the doctor on or after June 1, 2024.
PIAA Participation Packet - Includes form to be completed by Physician
PIAA Parent Re-certification Section 7
PIAA Recertification by Licensed Physician Section 8