All West Perry Students Get Free Breakfast and Lunch
All West Perry Students Get Free Breakfast and Lunch
Posted on 10/05/2022

School lunches were free for students during the pandemic through a waiver program by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This summer, those waivers ended, and families again needed to pay for school lunches or apply for free and reduced lunches through the National School Lunch Program.
West Perry School District children will now get free breakfasts and lunches regardless of their ability to pay. Any student enrolled in a West Perry school is entitled to one healthy breakfast and lunch daily. Children who want additional beverages and snacks can continue to purchase them. The program is retroactive to the start of the school year, meaning children who already paid for meals will receive a credit to their school lunch accounts. The program lasts until the end of the school year and may extend into future school years.
Lunches are being paid for through a National School Lunch Program option known as the Community Eligibility Provision. The Community Eligibility Provision allows school districts in low-income areas to serve breakfast and lunch at no cost to all enrolled students and be reimbursed using a formula based on the percentage of students categorically eligible for free meals based on their participation in other specific means-tested programs, such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. This will put approximately $590,000 back in the hand of West Perry families this school year.